The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Education department invites families to request complimentary tickets for a performance of "Leonardo! A Wonderful Show About a Terrible Monster."
The show is based on Mo Williems' books about the character.
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The show tells the story of Leonardo, a terrible monster who tries to be scary - but isn't. When Leonardo finds Sam, a scaredy-cat kid, it's his chance to finally scare someone. Or, it could be the start of an unlikely friendship. The plot thickens when the pair meets Kerry and Frankenthaler, an even scaredier-cat and her monster friend.
"Leonardo!" uses hundreds of illustrated paper puppets, book pages, two-dimensional props, furry monster puppets, and songs to bring Willems' books to life. Manual Cinema wanted to recreate the experience of holding one of the books, which are big, bold, colorful, and full of visual rhythm. Similar to all Manual Cinema productions, attendees are invited to watch the big screen like a traditional movie or watch the artists below as they create the story in real time.
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The show will be performed at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, May 18. Families can request up to four complimentary tickets.
The show will occur during the Children's Theater Festival. The last day to register is Friday, May 10 by 5 p.m.